Car Licence

HV Truck Drivers [MR, HR, HC, MC]


It has been said more often than not that without trucks, Australia stops. And whilst there is a lot of truth in that statement Perfect Hire feels that the true asset in this equation is the talented men and women who helm these vital machines.

Without Truck Drivers, Australia Stops.

Manufacturing Plant Labourers


Without proper supervision and constant attention, the mighty machines that manufacture for our diverse markets would perish. Enter the Manufacturing Plant Labourer.

Skilled Labourers


Often overlooked, the Skilled Labourer is the cornerstone of a good team – and can make or break your project. With a good general construction/demolition knowledge and a few handy tickets, Perfect Hire Skilled Labourers can fill the gaps in your site team.

Technical Labourers


Technical Labourer is almost a tradesperson – or a ‘tradesperson without the ticket’. With both a broad scope of abilities and specific knowledge, the Technical Labourer will handle those tasks that require some sophistication and a high attention to detail.

Trades Assistants


The Trades Assistant may not share in the same the glory as the Tradesperson but they are every bit as important. And with a good general construction and demolition knowledge across all trades, a good T/A is worth their weight in gold.