Do you think you can trust high risk tickets?
- magda

In recent years there has been a paradigm shift from the use of RTO-delivered qualifications. It is to determine worker competency in some high risk areas of construction. This shift, is led by the nation’s biggest building contractors. loosely regulated training sector is driving it. This has pushed major construction projects to ascertain worker skill sets on site via the Verification Of Competency or VOC. But what if you needed to know if a worker was competent prior to their arrival on-site? This is where the pre-employment VOC makes its debut.
Since the introduction of this aspect of our recruitment in mid-2019, Perfect Hire has seen an uptick not only in applicant quality but also in placement longevity once those workers head to the site. No longer does the labour hire industry have to be so hit-and-miss. From the humble beginnings of our half-day Tool Training Course for fresh CW1’s, our measures to verify worker competency [and train out any gaps] have seen the Perfect Group grow to the world-class demolition, concrete care and labour hire entity that it is. We have unrivalled access to equipment [and the know-how to use that equipment] never seen in the labour hire and recruitment space. We put fabricators on the MIG, arc or TIG. Also, we gave a machine and a stockpile to Plant operators. Riggers a sling and some shackles. In this way, we are unique. Also, we can offer certainty where others cannot. In short, we know a worker is competent in their field and it high risk area of construction. Because we have seen them do it.
So there is absolutely a need for RTO-delivered qualifications and even site VOC’s. We take care of all the guesswork about the labour you want to hire.