- Service Area: Sydney Metro & NSW
Dual Tradespeople
Four years delving into the complexities of a trade just ain’t enough of a challenge for some folks. With a brain-soaking thirst for knowledge and skills, the mental dexterity to think laterally, with the patience and drive to complete two trade qualifications – the Dual Tradesperson is certainly one unique and prized individual.
As mining, rail and infrastructure assets and equipment grow in complexity and technological advancement, so does the need for workers with skill sets that cross traditional trade boundaries. And due to the sheer commitment it takes to become an authority in just one trade, the mastery of two or more vocations makes the Dual Tradesperson a very rare breed indeed. But as humankind progresses farther afield with each passing day these workers are in higher demand than ever before.
The trades are usually paired due to merging skill sets or likeness. Some of the more common marriages are Plumber/Electricians, Refrigeration/Electricians, Boilermaker/Mechanical Fitters or Diesel Fitter/Mechanical Fitters. Perfect Hire will find and screen the right Dual Tradesperson for your project. Whether you’re after a Sparky who can plumb, a Boiley who can fit or a Chippy who can lay brick – we can help. With our specialised sourcing-and-screening process that vets all candidates prior to even sending you a resume, Perfect Hire can find the right Dual Tradesperson with the right skills, the right tickets and the right attitude – right now.
With buckets of experience Perfect Hire Dual Tradies can fill the specific niches on your site. If you need one of these rare and specialised workers for your project, let us help. Perfect Hire – We Get It Done.
Tickets Held
- Cert III Engineering - Fabrication
- Cert III in A/C and Refrigeration
- Cert III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying
- Cert III in Carpentry
- Cert III in Electrotechnology
- Cert III in Engineering - Mechanical
- Cert III in HV Mechanical Technology
- Cert III in Plumbing
- White Card
The tickets listed are for reference only. The worker might hold other tickets which are not listed above.