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Permanent Placement

Are you looking for permanent employees but don’t want to get into the total heavy workload? Perfect Hire is always there to solve your problems whether it is related to requesting high tech tools or equipment or even if you are looking for labourers or workers that can suit your requirements. We are always ready to help you, all you need to do is leave everything to us and keep your worries aside. Our permanent placement solution can help you because we will gather requirements like skills and qualifications and writing job descriptions for our clients.

We will also conduct interviews with the relevant sources and materials for your company culture. Just sit back and relax while we crack the hard nut for you. We will charge you only once the worker is hired permanently by your organization which is according to the qualification and experience of the worker. We can recruit if you are looking for people to work in a warehouse or fitting of electric wires or pipes. Again Perfect Hire works for excellence and believes in providing the best quality.

We also help you in planning the packages for the employees you are selecting permanently because Perfect Hire understands that every worker has rights and those rights must be fulfilled. We believe that you must provide your permanent employees with all the fundamental benefits because they are bounded by the rule and if you acknowledge their efforts this increases their productivity and makes them work without resentment.

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If you're considering our labour solutions, or just want more information, we're happy to answer all your questions.

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Perfect Hire has the capability to plug the manpower gaps in your workforce. From project managers to general labourers and everything in between. If you need help or have a question, please contact Tim.

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Temp-to-Perm Placement

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Project-by-Project Package

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Short-Term Labour Hire

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